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Current Student

  1. What are you involved in at ICS?

I spend most of my time on Fifty Squared, a now UN-affiliated and internationally recognized organization that started as a little High School club a couple of years ago. I also like to spend my time managing the school newspaper as Co-Editor-in-Chief, leading fundraising clubs like the Mental Health Awareness & Disaster Relief clubs, and working on larger scale projects among ICS with other schools like TedX Events & ServICE speeches. 

2. What do you like about ICS?

I like that I am encouraged in every possible meaning of the word. Be it the freedom to take initiative and make an actual change or further pursue an academic topic of my interest - along the entire way, there will be people, ICS staff & teachers, cheering you along the way, fostering independence, but also ready with open doors anytime you need help. 


3. How has ICS prepared you for the next step in your life?

A shout out to Ms.Jen, our amazing college counselor who works 24/7 to ensure seniors are prepared and ready for the college admissions process. The real world is not always as supportive, as kind, as concerned about your wellbeing as the community at ICS. In a way, I might be spoiled by the belief that everyone has my best intentions in mind. The next step of life might be a harsh pop to this bubble, but it may be an inevitable reality. 

4. Why did you choose to stay at ICS? / or (Would you choose ICS again if you had the chance?)

When my parents first enrolled me here, they loved particularly that ICS had not only the best education but also a wonderful student-teacher relationship and community that was unlike any other they had seen. 

5. What’s your favorite memory of your time at ICS so far?

The school’s annual SALT Trips and Eagle Camps have a special place in my heart, but even more so, I’d have to say it’s the little things. The potluck at lunch with cuisines from every corner of the world, playful banter with teachers along the hallway, after school, bombarding a teacher’s classroom simply for the sake of drawing parallels from AP Statistics’ lessons to the likelihood that Beyonce writes her own lyrics (Spoiler: She doesn’t). 

6. What does ICS mean to you?

Having crunched through the same autumn leaves through the parking lot floor, scanned through the same metallic turnstiles, and hurried alongside the same tall pillars almost every day for the past 12 years of my life, ICS means familiarity. It’s synonymous with comfort and home. A place that I feel like I’ll be drawn back to no matter where I end up later in life.